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Is an E/V Played Differently Than a A/V?
What about an A/E violin?
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January 29, 2021 - 9:12 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I bought an A/E violin because I believed they were played the same, with the added bonus of loud projection & special effects when plugged into an amp. 

The more I read, the more I think this isn't so.  

I read that when switching to electric, I would not only need to change the way I play, but probably also my strings - so not to get an echo, or worse...

Seems all the hard work I put into finding the right strings for the best resonance and learning skills to coax some non-electronic reverb from my "Mortimer" get kind of thrown out the window if I decide to go electric! 

Maybe I would've been better off buying 2 separate violins? 

So, all of you that own both an E/V & A/C (or an A/E) - what are your thoughts on this? 



Curious as I grow closer, wanting to seriously play around with all the electronic possibilities. 

- Emily

Sacramento, California

January 29, 2021 - 11:47 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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As far as I've been able to tell, acoustic/electric violins compromise both the acoustic and electric sides too much. I don't know anyone who has kept playing an acoustic/electric for a long time; most who play both acoustic and amplified gigs use either an acoustic violin with a pickup, or separate acoustic and electric violins.

One solution that seems especially popular in my area, for violinists who play mainly in classical ensembles and occasionally in rock or jazz bands, is to use an acoustic violin with the Headway "Band" pickup. I'm told it has a lot less feedback and feels more natural to play with than most other pickups, and it doesn't require anything permanently attached to the violin.


February 1, 2021 - 8:03 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@AndrewH -

Thank you, Andrew! 

I always take a lot from your observations... re-enforced my thoughts on this. 


Anyone else have any experience with a difference? 




- Emily


March 13, 2021 - 6:39 pm
Member Since: December 27, 2019
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So, I have an acoustic and electric.   One issue with acoustic electric, either using a pickup or transducer, is they can have a tendency to feedback depending on how loud, what type of tone etc.

As far as playing difference between pure acoustic and electric, there is some, mainly in bowing technique.  To project on an acoustic, you need to dig in more with bow arm weight and such, and it can sound really good.   That sounds kind of bad on electric, and you tend to bow with less weight and more speed.  And if you need to project, you just turn up the amp and let the gear do that part of the work for you.

If you listened to any of my last couple of recordings, that's the sound of too much bow weight (which I am working on correcting).   It gives it well, a less than impressive honky horn kind of sound, and I am getting that worked out right now, and it's starting to sound much better.

Playing with that bow weight I used there, sounds a *lot* better on my Fiddlerman Soloist.

It's not insurmountable, or a radical change, but there is a change to be made in playing.

Maybe try that before switching strings?


March 13, 2021 - 11:25 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Sasha -

Thanx - that's good to hear! 

I watched a video from a Fiddlershop competitor that made a point of your advice on playing lighter, along with using strings that have less ring to them - so it would be wonderful if I don't have to do both! 



Still hope we get a Section here somewhere for E/V's, A/E's and all the related equipment uses/capabilities. 

Many people are already plugged in!

- Emily


March 14, 2021 - 10:58 am
Member Since: December 27, 2019
Forum Posts: 138
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ELCBK said
@Sasha -

Thanx - that's good to hear! 

I watched a video from a Fiddlershop competitor that made a point of your advice on playing lighter, along with using strings that have less ring to them - so it would be wonderful if I don't have to do both! 



Still hope we get a Section here somewhere for E/V's, A/E's and all the related equipment uses/capabilities. 

Many people are already plugged in!

- Emily


I know which competitor you are talking about. :).   It's where I found that out and it definitely is making a difference.   I am not positive I would call them competitors though.  Crossover, yes.  But, very different overall selection and market.

If you are on Facebook, you could check out and join the group: Electric String Players (Violin, Viola and Cello)

A large number of active and supportive electric players there, ranging from beginner to seasoned pro.  Pretty awesome group.

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